Thursday, 25 July 2013

First Impression - Family Tree

I was going to write this after watching only the first episode of Family Treehowever, I just kept going and at this point I have seen 2 3 4 episodes. Why? 'Cause it's pretty damn funny.

I was draw in by 2 hilarious Chrises who are involved in this series. One, of course, is the lead Chris O'Dowd (see The IT Crowd (no, seriously, you must see The IT Crowd. It is genius)). And the other is Christopher Guest from some of my favourite musical comedies: This is Spinal Tap and A Mighty Wind (Also both worth seeing...immediately (seriously, stop reading and go watch)). Guess basically created/wrote/directed Family Tree. 
Comic Genius/Fantastic Musician Christopher Guest
I also am loving the rest of the cast, Nina Conti in particular is absolutely hilarious and an amazing ventriloquist. Monkey, although the only character who cannot talk for himself, has some of the funniest lines and it is easy to forget that everything he says comes out of Conti's mouth.
I don't know why this is soooo hilarious. It just is.

Tom Bennett, who plays Pete Stupples, is amazing playing the lovable idiot and kinda reminds me of Ricky Gervais' character in The Office if he were nicer. Guest has brought along one of his Spinal Tap cohorts, Michael McKean to play Tom's father who is obsessed with British sitcoms and seems to occupy his time by watching and rewatching old television programs, often quoting lines from the program just before the actor says them. (hmmm sounds like someone else I know).

So, after a few episodes I would say put this on your list. Although not constantly funny it has a cast which you can't help but fall in love with.

*edit* Ok, so by the time I'm actually posting this I have seen all 8 episodes. Curse you short British seasons!

Stay Tuned,


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Stuck In My Craw #1

I might have to turn this into a reoccurring feature. There are a lot of things that bug me. There are a lot of general things that bug me and a bunch of small specific things which are usually examples of the larger general things.

Here is one of of those general things:

When an actor is referenced in a television show by name and then said actor shows up playing a different character. I'm not sure if that made sense, but it will after these examples!

  • In Friends one of the guy's favourite movies of all time is Die Hard. In fact they watch it over and over again. So how is it that not one of them notices that Ross' young girlfriend's father looks exactly like Bruce Willis/John McClane?!? Obviously in television we have to suspend our disbelif in some cases. I'd have no problem if they had never brought up Die Hard at all and then Bruce showed up playing Elizabeth's father. I can easily say, "Well, inu the Friends Universe Bruce Willis doesn't exist so neither does Die Hard." That works in my brain. I am sure to bring this point up whenever those episodes air much to the chagrin of my family and...friends.
  • Oddly, this example is also Friends related. In 30 Rock Jack watches Friends. This makes sense, Jack/Liz etc. exist in a fictionalized version of NBC. What doesn't make sense is when flipping David flipping Schwimmer shows up and plays a character other than himself (Greenzo)!
Yeah, there are more but you get my point. Anyways, that's what's stuck in my craw.

Stay tuned,